Every website desperately needs articles. Therefore, in 2010, writing articles is a golden opportunity for all writers. You can grab this opportunity, but you need to be able to write quickly and well. Here's how.

"Increase Your Article Writing And Marketing Profits Today…

Easy Strategies Which Help You To Write Fast, Write Easily,

Never Run Out Of Ideas Again…

"Great Ideas From A
New Writer, Which Even Professionals Can Use."

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Revealed: the seven simple methods a new writer used to make a great full-time income writing articles, in his first year – if he can do it, you can do it;
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Learn how to increase your article output with a particularly clever strategy (one I'd forgotten, but am using right now);
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Get inspired: yes, you can build a complete (very profitable) writing career and business, just on Web articles.
These days, to make a great writing income from Web articles, you need to be able to write quality articles fast. Many writers are earning over $100,000 a year, just writing simple Web articles for a couple of hours a day. You can join them.
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Hi Fellow Writer

I consider myself reasonably proficient at writing Web articles, but I know that this skill is challenging for many writers – both new and experienced.

So when I discovered a new writer, who's making a great income from his articles without working particularly hard, I was pleased.

When he told me about the tricks which help him to write his articles quickly, I was thrilled – they're great, and I knew I had to share his methods with you.

Do you find writing Web articles boring? So do I!

I've got dozens of websites, and literally hundreds of blogs. This means that I spend a lot of time writing articles. In niches like writing, I enjoy it. In other niches, not so much. :-)

This means that I'm always looking for ways to make writing many articles a day easier, and more fun. Let's face it: writing articles consists of sitting at your desk, and tapping the keyboard… you can get stale, and worse, if you're unlucky, you can burn out.

You need strategies to ensure that that doesn't happen. Read on…

Writing articles can be profitable and fun, if you know how

There are many different types of article writers. Some write for the content factories, and make tiny incomes – pocket money.

More experienced writers have 30 to 50 clients for whom they write articles every month. These writers are making huge incomes; more than they could make at any day job. The most successful of the big-income article writers end up outsourcing – hiring other writers – simply because while there's lots of money to be made, it's impossible to do everything yourself.

Do YOU have the strategies in place to take your article writing to the next level?

No matter what level you're at in your article writing career, you need strategies which you can rely on. The best strategies relieve you of stress, and they free your creativity.

Let me tell you about the great strategies your new writer friend and I want to share with you.

Introducing: Increase Your Article Writing Profits -- Write Fast, Write Easily, and Never Run Out of Ideas Again

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In this practical, no-fluff guide, you'll discover:
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How write more, in less time. Cut the time you spend writing articles in half. You'll find that you'll write more easily, without stress, and you'll enjoy your writing;
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A truly nifty way to kickstart your article writing – another way to write more articles in less time;
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How to multiply your articles… this method lets you create many articles from a single article… and then more articles from the new articles you've written. This one method alone can increase your income;
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How to end the struggle for ideas. You'll discover how and where to get high-quality ideas, so that you can write superb articles;
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How to make the most of the articles you've already written. Discover hot new ways to use your articles for instant profits.

What early readers have said…

"I always procrastinate when I'm writing articles. You said this method would end my procrastination, and you're right…" George L. UK.
"Thanks for the package Angela! I feel much more confident now. I finished the project, and I've just won a project to write 100 articles over a month. I know I can do it now…" Steff, USA.
"I love Method 7. By my estimate, I'll be able to triple my article writing income this year, just using that one clever method." Davis, USA
"I wanted to let you know how well it's working for me. I put methods 3 and 7 into use immediately, turning a couple of existing articles from "overview => subset". Now, only an hour and a quarter after downloading it I've listed 69 article titles and written 4 new article drafts. It's been a great investment, thanks for another really useful guide!" Gary, USA

Discover how easy writing lots of articles can be, when you know the tricks experts use

Without strategies for writing articles, you're losing money. Not only are you taking too long to write your articles, you're also taking on fewer projects than you could.

"Increase Your Article Writing Profits: Write Fast, Write Easily, and Never Run Out of Ideas Again" is a fun guide. If you're a new writer, it gets you writing and making more money from your articles. If you're already making a great income, with these strategies, you'll make more money, with a lot less effort.

In this package you'll receive:

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* The "Increase Your Article Writing Profits: Write Fast, Write Easily, and Never Run Out of Ideas Again" guide – 38 pages of no-fluff, practical information you can use today;

* A
Cheat Sheet you can print and keep beside you as you write;

* An easy-to-use
article template;

A guide to help you to set up a Web sales page for your articles.

Two special bonuses...

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My own "The Easy-Write Process: Write What And When You Please" -- my own guide which helps you to write fast, and write more.
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As always, I offer coaching with this package. You'll receive 15 minutes of coaching via email, which you can take at any time within the next 12 months.

Discover easy article writing strategies, and use them immediately

Here's what one writer, Gary, said: "I wanted to let you know how well it's working for me. I put methods 3 and 7 into use immediately, turning a couple of existing articles from "overview => subset". Now, only an hour and a quarter after downloading it I've listed 69 article titles and written 4 new article drafts. It's been a great investment, thanks for another really useful guide!"

Your secure payment is via PayPal.
The package contains PDF files, which you download instantly on payment. (Double-click the ZIP package, to reveal your PDFs.)


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Book your free coaching with me, Angela Booth
We wish you all success. This package comes with a free coaching session of 15 minutes.

Please book your free coaching once you've worked with the material. You can take your session at any time, within the next 12 months. Coaching is via phone, email, IM, or Skype -- whichever is most convenient for you.

Of course, in addition to coaching, you can ask for any help you need. Either Julia (my amazing, hard working assistant) or I will get back to you within hours (often minutes) on a business day, and within eight hours on a weekend.

You're NEVER alone -- Julia and I are here to help.


Angela Booth

Questions? Contact me.

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